Application Requirements

Letter of Introduction stating interest in the opening account, the nature of the business, type of account required, persons signing on the account and signing instructions. [To be provided /signed by the Secretary.]

Certificate of Incorporation

Articles of Incorporation; or If a company incorporated prior to May 25, 1995:
- Memorandum and Articles of Association.
- Certificate of Continuance.
- Articles of Continuance.
- Certificate of Restoration.

Notice of Directors and Consent to Act as Directors.

Most recent Notice of Change of Directors if the change occurred subsequent to incorporation.

Notice of Secretary and Consent to Act as Secretary.

Most recent Notice of Change of Secretary if the change occurred subsequent to incorporation.

Notice of Address (registered office and principal place of business).

Proof of address for the company (recent utility bill electricity/telephone/internet/water/postmarked mail) dated within a three (3) month period of presenting the document.

Declaration of Compliance.

By Laws (Interpretation)

Company Resolution

Most recent Annual Returns of the company if the company established in excess of one year (notarized by the Deeds Registry if a company incorporated outside of Guyana).

Corporate Stamp or Seal (to be used on the Corporate Resolution form).

List of shareholders and percentage of shareholding and value of each share held by each [signed by the secretary with company stamp affixed]

TIN Certificate for company.

Financials for existing company/Projected Income statement for the newly established company.

All permits/approvals (e.g. mining/forestry/gaming) must be provided.

For all Directors, Signatories & Secretary:
- Proof of Identification – (Valid National Identification Card, Valid Passport or Valid Driver’s License).
- Proof of Address – (Valid Driver’s License or recent Utility Bill – electricity/telephone/internet/ water or Post Marked Mail) dated within a three (3) months period of presenting the document.
- TIN Certificate/Valid Driver’s License/Certification from Guyana Revenue Authority
- Social Security number for all LPR and Citizens of USA Directors, Signatory.
- Green Card number for legal permanent residents of USA.
- For a Chequing Account, two (2) Local Character References for each Signatory addressed to CBGI. See Sources of References