
Junior Savers Accounts

**Open a Junior Savers account today for your child to be eligible for our Bursary Awards. To qualify, accounts must be opened before the release of the examination results.
Learn How To Qualify Today.


Basic Features

  • Minimum opening balance $1,000.00
  • Interest rate of 0.85% is above Jackpot Savings rate and accrues on minimum quarterly balance of $1,000.00 and credited twice yearly.
  • No service charge
  • Special incentives for educational achievements
  • 24hour ATM access
  • Monthly Statements
  • Receive a gift on opening of this account
  • Junior Savers Awards for excellent results at NGSA, CXC and CAPE

Requirements for Parent/Guardian

  1. Valid National Identification Card/ Passport/ Driver’s License
  2. Proof of address – Valid Driver’s License or recent utility bill (3 months) or postmarked letter
  3. Employment letter stating current position, date of employment, salary and other cash benefits or recent pay slip/s for the month
  4. If self employed; statement of income and expenses or affidavit of income
  5. TIN Certificate or Valid Driver’s license with TIN
  6. Birth Certificate/Valid Passport of Child
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